Cinnamon Rolls - It's what's for breakfast!

I can pm you my address, if you need to get rid of a few of those...
I can pm you my address, if you need to get rid of a few of those...

I'd rather send the poundage.......

Next time, the sticky buns! If the mixer holds up- might have to duct tape it.
that's what i do! oh wait, that's because i don't have a KA. i keep going into the kitchen hoping one will materialize. but alas, no.

not that it's going to stop me from making and eating cinnamon rolls! yumm-a-rific!
I am so making these next. Have my first two loafs of gump bread in the oven now. Can't believe how easy it is to make yeast bread. This is going to be a staple in my house from now on. As soon as I make rolls, I'll post a pic.
Oh my word......These are amazing. We finally got around to making these cinnamon rolls this morning and by this afternoon, my two little girls and I have made a huge dent in the pans. My 18 mth old has already eaten 2 all by herself. Just thought you might enjoy seeing how ours turned out. One batch has nuts in it but I ran out before the second set, so I added some chopped up apples. Those turned out awsome also. My 3yo likes the nut ones and the 18 mth old likes the apple ones. My poor hubby called and when I told him, he said he hopes there are some left for him when he gets home.



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