City Chicken Keepers, I Need Advise

Wow Bananabread how do you get anything done. I'm lucky I have a great chicken sitter, my Great Dane, she loves her chickies.
Decided to wait, take my time building a coop and run, and order chicks. I got my mom into chickens when I had to sell mine before we moved here. She has a wonderful coop and run, and still has the starter tractor I built her to house the three hens I gave her. We collectively ordered 25 chicks from Cackle hatchery (local for us) and she picks them up this morning! My coop is almost finished, but I've got plenty of time, as she is raising them until feathered for me. I've added a picture of the coop thus far, painted and roof shingled are the latest accomplishments. I've built it from my own design, with center coop and runs on each side. I've got 48sq ft of coop and 96sq ft of run for "6" birds. Runs will include tiered "playground", wire grazing boxes on both sides, and dust bathing area. Coop includes only roost and nest box for optimal floor space, feed will be in garage with dog food.
Next on the agenda is attaching wire and clear plastic shower curtains for rain protection in run.
Thanks all for your input! Just wanted to give an update.
Also, breeds of chicks: Easter eggers, "dark brown egg pullet surplus", dark Brahma, splash standard Cochin and she's getting polish too. Extras will be sold by her locally to help absorb the cost of raising and share the beauties with some locals who are used to rir and barred rocks. :)
So they passed the 'law'?

Are those like sky lights in the sloped gray part....water proof windows?

Yes, the law passed in January, and we pre-ordered chicks last month.
Those are windows on the slanted wall, I will be installing Plexiglass (once I cut it) and sealing with silicone and also adding some cute shudders that I'm working on. Many of the materials were purchased new, but those particular pieces were salvaged from a wood children's play house that my kids didn't use, so the windows were pre-existing. The back side of the entire building is 3 ft from my fence and there's a full sized human door with large window on the back from our home remodel. :)
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