City Girl Gone Country


5 Years
Jun 6, 2014
Walker, WV
Hi everyone! I am not a life long veteran of chickens but have had chickens for a little over a year now. We had five until the past month and are sadly down to three now. It's hard to not go out and get a bunch more! I just love their interesting personalities and behaviors! I adore that they all run quickly to me when I yell for them "baaaaaaabbbbiiiieeeeeessss".... and they start talking back to me and running my way! I got started with chickens as my brother got my niece some for easter a year ago. Our family bought a home in the country and moved the chickens out here with us. We free range them and they are a huge part of our family.

I think all of our chickens are what my mom calls Rhode Island Red.... I really think they have another name... I will learn more about it while here.. from the breed tab they may just be Production chickens. My friend sent me here. She and I went to high school together and are on fb together and she told me I had to come to this site. I was already following your fb page but never joined here until today!

I also have a twenty+ pound black and white tuxedo cat. We have a red tick beagle dog. I currently work in customer service/repair for a multimedia communications company. I work the afternoon/night shift and love it. I am so excited to be here!
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Thanks for the welcome. I hope to add new birds but we are working on reworking the coop. Down the road I will add to the flock. Right now I am just keeping an eye on my babies. We're talking about adding a run and only allowing them free range when we're able to fully supervise them. I hate to pen them up in a run though after they've been free ranging for so long!
Welcome to the site. Sorry to hear about your chickens passing.

Do you mean to say they're Rhode Island Reds?

Check out the learning centre and if you have any questions, just post in the appropriate part of the forum:

Don't forget to check out the links in my signature to introduce yourself to those near you.

Edit: Other members have said it looks like a Red Star hen. liz9910 posted a link to that breed.
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Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! Sorry about the hens you lost, good luck with the coop build and hope you are able to add to your flock soon. X2, the chicken in your avatar looks like one of the red sex links like a Red Star, wonderful layers.

Welcome to BYC!

So sorry about the ones you lost. I call my girls the same way!!! Yelling....BAAAABBBBIIIIIIEEEESSSSS! And they all come running at full speed. LOL

Enjoy your wonderful flock and welcome to ours!
Sorry for your loss. Sadly that is the downside of free ranging. Chickens don't have much of a defense system. Are you dog and cat safe to have around the chickens. It would be great if the dog would protect them.

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