I have several ads up in the local classifieds online. I'm trying to get rid of any extra chickies that hatch, as well as some fish and fish tanks/supplies. Anyways, just about everyone who contacts me wants my phone number. They refuse to talk through email. When you have a week old infant and a 16 month old, and you're snagging sleep at random times, you really don't want to give your number out to a bunch of random people so that they can call you, because chances are, they'll call you when you've FINALLY gotten to take a nap. My own family hasn't been calling me because they know that I've been fighting for my sleep, so why would I want random strangers to call? I mean, it's one thing if you've set everything up, the person is definately interested, and they're going to be coming to pick it up, THEN I exchange phone numbers to make pick up easier, but, when setting up a time and such, it's easier to use email.
Anyone here actually prefer to use the phone over email?
Anyone here actually prefer to use the phone over email?