Cleaning chicken coop


Apr 9, 2015
Hello all,

I'm new to raising chickens, just got our first chicks 2 weeks ago. Although it will be a while before they make their way into the outdoor coop I had a few questions that I figure would be better to know now rather than at the last minute when they will be going outside!

I was curious, what do you use on the floors of your coop & how often do you clean it? Do you just sweep out all the old shavings & replace with new? I've heard about using deep liter method but I'm not quite sure how that works, can someone explain that to me? Also how can I save the poop as fertilizer for my garden, I've heard that it's great for gardens.

Right now I clean the brooder daily. I take out the old shavings & newspaper, use an old dustpan to get any leftovers out then add new paper & shavings.

Thanks in advance, sorry for the novice questions!!
Thanks for the info, very helpful
I have seven hens in my coop. I clean the coop in the fall and the spring. During the time between the total cleaning I will add a bale of pine shavings as needed. Normally only one is added between cleanings.

I sweep the used shavings in the fall onto the ground. They just sort of work into the ground. In the spring I use a plastic dust pan to scoop the shavings into a couple big trash cans, to use in my gardens. I dont bother to compost it, I just spread it on the ground, like mulch.

I don't live in an area where chickens are expected, so no smell and a clean coop and chicken yard are important. In the many years I have had chickens I have no problem. The coop never smells. My coop is 4x8 I buy 3 large bales and use 2 to start then add the last bale about 3 months later. Some times I stir the shavings up with a garden hoe. My shavings are about 4 to 6 inches deep.
I have seven hens in my coop. I clean the coop in the fall and the spring. During the time between the total cleaning I will add a bale of pine shavings as needed. Normally only one is added between cleanings.

I sweep the used shavings in the fall onto the ground. They just sort of work into the ground. In the spring I use a plastic dust pan to scoop the shavings into a couple big trash cans, to use in my gardens. I dont bother to compost it, I just spread it on the ground, like mulch.

I don't live in an area where chickens are expected, so no smell and a clean coop and chicken yard are important. In the many years I have had chickens I have no problem. The coop never smells. My coop is 4x8 I buy 3 large bales and use 2 to start then add the last bale about 3 months later. Some times I stir the shavings up with a garden hoe. My shavings are about 4 to 6 inches deep.
throw a handful of scratch in there once a week and let the chickens stir it up for you, LOL all the hoeing = too much work!
Papachaz...they do get seed mix tossed in the coop, but they dont mix it up well, nor do they get it all refluffed up. I live in a resort area on Lake Huron and no smell and clean chicken coop and yard are so important, to keep the summer neighbors happy. Our lots are long narrow lots so the chickens are in our middle "yard" and very close to neighbors cabins.

On the coop pages under large coops (page 2) my coop is shown, my user name is san415. If you see my pictures you'll see what I mean.
Thank you all for the info! Deep liter method definitley sounds like the easiest method & we will probably give that a try

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