Cleaning sand run


Nov 3, 2020
Intown Atlanta, GA
We have had our now 6 week old chicks in the run and coop for almost a week. They are loving it. I am not sure the best way to clean the sand. They are obviously pooping everywhere But it seems to just get crumbled up into the sand. How can I sweep and scoop the waste out?


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We have had our now 6 week old chicks in the run and coop for almost a week. They are loving it. I am not sure the best way to clean the sand. They are obviously pooping everywhere But it seems to just get crumbled up into the sand. How can I sweep and scoop the waste out?
I personally wouldn't use sand. It's high maintenance. I would add lots of dry organic matter so it can compost. Like dry leaves or a thick layer of wood chips.
What is under the sand?
We have had our now 6 week old chicks in the run and coop for almost a week. They are loving it. I am not sure the best way to clean the sand. They are obviously pooping everywhere But it seems to just get crumbled up into the sand. How can I sweep and scoop the waste out?
Every am I use a kitty scoop under the roosts and in the run.
I am not sure the best way to clean the sand. They are obviously pooping everywhere But it seems to just get crumbled up into the sand. How can I sweep and scoop the waste out?

People who want clean sand seem to scoop at least once a day, before the poop has a chance to get crumbled up.

People who do not want to do that are more likely to use plent of plant-based bedding (wood chips, dry leaves, hay or straw, etc), and end up with a mixture that can be cleaned out a few times a year to compost and add to the garden.

People who have a dirt floor in the run often pile in bedding the same way but do not clean it out at all-- the lower layers slowly rot in place and disappear into the ground. With the raised floor, of course that would not work well in your situation.
They are obviously pooping everywhere But it seems to just get crumbled up into the sand

This is why I would never consider a sand run despite the fact that I live in the NC Sandhills where sand is the natural condition of the ground.

I like deep litter -- plenty of dry organic material to absorb and compost with the poop -- keeping everything fresh and clean with minimal maintenance.
I've used sand in the run in the beginning but there food ended up in the sand and when moisture hit it, it turns it into a stink fest. But if I ever use it again there can't be any food in there sand area to keep the stink in check. then you can rake out just the poop. That's what I noticed.

I ended up taking down my run and just let them come and go in my fenced yard. Never had any stink issues at all. This method works well for me.

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