cleat size and spacing


In the Brooder
10 Years
Feb 9, 2009
Portland, OR
I searched the database and was surprised to find no threads on this. I am building my ramp to the henhouse and am wodering what this great body of chicken knowledge suggests for cleat size, shape and spacing on a ramp.

They are standard breeds.

One thing is for sure. Put something on it to prevent slipping. I made one of plywood and spaced the clets to far apart and they would slide every time they tried to come out. I went out and bought the rough material that you paste on step edges and it stopped it. LOL they were funny though. I can not tell you how far apart they should be. Jean
I just built one & I used furring strips for cleats. I think they are 1/2 X 1 1/2 & I used a 2x4 as a spacer between them. So 3 1/2" between the strips.
I have not used this one yet. But it is similar to the one in my big coop which works fine.

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