Clogged Hole


12 Years
Nov 1, 2011
Tonight I was taking care of my little girl who jumped out of her coop a week or so ago. She is doing well but still cannot walk. I have no idea what the problem is. ANyway, I was checking her all over thinking I might have missed something and I did. Near the very tip of her tail-topside, I found a small spot on her about the size of an eraser head. The spot was actually a deep hole that was clogged with rusty brown colored stuff that was dry and crumbly. I cleaned the hole out and apparently when I touched her skin inside the hole, it was very tender because she reacted. I cleaned the spot with peroxide and no boiling. I then sprayed it with vetryacin. That did not seem to bother her any. Any idea what this could be?
Tonight I was taking care of my little girl who jumped out of her coop a week or so ago. She is doing well but still cannot walk. I have no idea what the problem is. ANyway, I was checking her all over thinking I might have missed something and I did. Near the very tip of her tail-topside, I found a small spot on her about the size of an eraser head. The spot was actually a deep hole that was clogged with rusty brown colored stuff that was dry and crumbly. I cleaned the hole out and apparently when I touched her skin inside the hole, it was very tender because she reacted. I cleaned the spot with peroxide and no boiling. I then sprayed it with vetryacin. That did not seem to bother her any. Any idea what this could be?

Photos will be helpful.

But from your description - perhaps what you are looking at it the Uropygial gland or preening gland (oil gland). It does sometimes have a brownish type oily crusty discharge. It is a tender point on a chicken and should usually be left alone unless you see redness/swelling. This gland has an oil in it, the chicken will wick a little oil on their beak/head and then disperse it on and in between their feathers when they preen.
After reading the link, the hole is right by the little bump. So what happens if I have cleaned the "wax" out, cleaned it with peroxide and vetryacin? I guess I should leave it alone! Thanks for the info!

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