Clops: The Blind Cleft Lid Chick (Updates, Advice, and Discussion Thread)

If it was just one eye I'd think peck injury. I have a pullet who got pecked just right and damaged her lower eyelid. It was split similar to that but the lower lid. Luckily didn't lose her eye or develop infection. But since this has both sides identical, more likely genetic.
It just hatched 5 minutes before I took this pic so peck injury would be impossible.

I'm thinking genetic too
I'm with you on giving her a little while. Chickens adapt to about anything. I have a roo with bad eyesight,took some extra time with him and he gets along fine. Yup food and water in the same place,same bowl all the time or he can't find it. But he free ranges with the girls and tidbits for them. Let us know how she does.:fl She is a cutie!
I have a duck who is blind in one eye..well, I should say...he is partly blind...he can see a bit, but he does well, and , yes, he does stay close to his girlfriend, he is now 24 weeks
Can someone tell me what's wrong with this chick... I know it's blind in 1 eye, but why are it's eyelids like this?

It's not from my flocks eggs, but I'd like to know it's survival chances. I feel sad for it, I know that sounds ridiculous 🙈

Blind eye

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Other eye

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I would be sure to send these photos to the breeder. Let her know and ask if she's seen this before. Sorry you're dealing with this....I know it's upsetting.
Poor baby, probably be ok but my main concern would be the other chickens. Oh, you're a bit different, better give you a PECK
Someone suggested I find her a flock mate from the ones that are hatching right now to keep her company. Also to keep her separated if my flock picks on her. I can separate my chickens if I have to.
Thought you might enjoy this thread about raising a visually-impaired chick. It's pretty heartwarming. 🤗

BTW, I have a visually-impaired (hatched that way) drake...he's several years old now, gets along well with other waterfowl, and doesn't really require any special accommodations. 🙂
Your comments on my thread have really helped my stress level because I understand why some people say to just off the chick... And I see why some people say to give it a chance.

It's stressful to be the person that has to make that decision.

I would like to see if it will thrive as it gets older. It's not because I don't want to cull it, it's because my family has made a final decision that we want to continue to watch it closely.

Basically we sat down and discussed the options... Cull now or wait (then cull or keep later).

It's walking, pooping, eating, and drinking. There's no distress or signs of pain or discomfort.

Thank you for helping my stress 🙈

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