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Mar 17, 2019
Southwest Virginia (mountains)
My broody hen just hatched her 1st chick yesterday! This morning I went to check on her and the chick's back half was in the water bowl. It was soggy, cold, and exhausted but alive. I immediately removed it dried it off and got it under a heat lamp. I am relieved to report that it seems to have made a full recovery (time lapse 2hrs).
Question: the hen has 2 remaining eggs (none were due to hatch until tomorrow- 21days). I candled them at 8 days and all were fertile and viable. I also have 7 eggs in the incubator due to hatch in 5 days (all fertile and viable). Should I try to re-introduce the chick to its mother? I was curious if she would raise them with the flock and planned to let her try unless I needed to step in. Now I am worried she will reject it and kill it. Or should I just keep him out and mix him with the other chicks once they are bigger? I have plenty of brooder space that they can grow adjacent to each other and be mixed when younger birds are strong enough.
I would wait until the other eggs have hatched, and then I would slip the chick under her during the night.
I'm sorry you lost your chick.
I've read that you can add marbles or gravel to the waterer so that your chicks can drink but not drown (or get too wet). I've also seen a thing you can buy at Tractor Supply that looks like foam made to fit into the waterer for the same purpose but marble of gravel will probably be easier to clean.
I'm sorry you lost your chick.
I've read that you can add marbles or gravel to the waterer so that your chicks can drink but not drown (or get too wet). I've also seen a thing you can buy at Tractor Supply that looks like foam made to fit into the waterer for the same purpose but marble of gravel will probably be easier to clean.
That sounds like a great idea! Thanks!
We have 2 happy healthy chicks so far as of today. There may be a third under mamma and at least 3-4 more eggs! Not sure how many are fertilized. She is a mean cuss and has bloodied my hands enough already.
I am working on converting one of my brooders 3'w x 8'l x 3.5'h into a chicken nursery where mom will be more comfortable too until the chicks are big enough to start to roam.


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