Close Encounters of the Feline Kind


In the Brooder
7 Years
May 21, 2012
Knox County, IL
I know there have been a number of threads dealing with chicks and cats here. However, I've been trying to introduce my two cats to the chickens and I've been taking note of reactions on both animals' part, but today was unusual. This is primarily a story, but if anyone has opinions to offer up on the matter, that'd be great.

When the chicks were maybe a couple weeks old I took one out to each cat individually, keeping it in my hands the whole time. Both cats reacted the same; they sat up with squinted eyes, sniffed the chick a bit, and lied back down waiting for me to pet them. The presence of the chickens and the hen house has not impacted their lives at all, is seems.

Now the chicks are about a month old, almost big enough to hold their own but still delicate. Today I took each cat individually to the run while the chicks were out, first letting them see from the outside, then taking them inside and closing the door, but with my hand on them at all times. Both cats acted somewhat disinterested outside and nervous inside, so I figured they were both "chicken" around the chickens, so to speak.

But afterward, while I was still in the run and my cats outside, my younger but bigger cat Carmen came skulking back over in predator mode. I've seen this look on her face a few times before. Indoors she's the biggest ball of cuddles you've ever seen, but outside in the fields and woods she's a hunter, primarily of rodents. It's her mom, my other cat Caramel, who's more into birds, but I'm not too worried about her. Carmen, on the other hand, I've seen circle a grown fox in the middle of the road. I had to step in on that showdown.

So when I saw her walking toward where the chicks were at the end farthest from me (underneath the hen house, still fenced in) with her head down, I was prepared to intervene, but I watched for a minute. She sat next to the wire staring at them, and meowing. Meowing at them. The chicks weren't afraid so they gathered around to watch her as well. This went on for awhile, and I didn't ever see her raise a paw or bare a tooth. But it still made me nervous. When she noticed me she froze for a second, then came a little closer to me and plopped down in the grass, waiting for me to rub her belly.

I don't know what to do with that cat.
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I'm right where you are. My chicks are 6 weeks old and my cat is pretty interested when they're in their run. We haven't let them be together yet because at this size they probably look like tasty meals. I don't know if he sits & stares because they're interesting or if he's plotting how to break into the run.

One thing I think is positive is my cat doesn't "bird chatter" at them, so maybe he doesn't think they're birds.

I really have no idea, but am pretty confident once my chickens reach 8-10 lbs they'll be able to hold their own.

I hope.

Keep us updated, ok?
Yep, sounds like we're in the same boat. I think I know what you mean by "bird chatter," and I've never heard my cats make that sound before, even when bird watching through the window as I've seen other cats do, so they're a little harder to read on that matter.
From your avatar it looks like you have a heeler. I do too, and she's way more of a threat than my nine cats are. She will leave the grown chickens alone but can't be trusted one second with the babies.
Yes, she's a heeler mix. We have had a bit of trouble with her getting too excited and snapping at the chicks when they would rush by, both through the fence and when my dad had ahold of her inside the run (no damage done to the chicks). After the latter occurence, she got a good wooping and has been much calmer around them. Dad brought her inside once more the other day and she sat next to him without needing to be restrained. We think she'll be fine with them when they're full grown and she can put her herding instincts to use, but right now she's too rough with them.

It was our other dog, who is a schipperke and a more efficient killer than all our pets combined, we thought would be a problem, but she has shown 0 interest in the chicks. We suspect this is part of her devious plan for us to let our guard down.

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