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Snow was a big issue with my nets too - I had to get up early before the girls got out and push the darn stuff off with a broom. I looked like a snow man when I finished!!!
The nets survived though and I was glad we had them.

Your Coop and Run Wow wow wow wow - Ok My chickens are on their way!!!!!

Very nice setup you have arianna. A lot of work went into it and it paid off with all the happy chickens you have. What some of us chicken lovers will do for our chickens as we all see here on BYC. Great hobby for the family as well, And the children learn a great deal from it all.
Great job arianna thanks for sharing what you have done with your coop.. Now I got to come up with a plan to make my chickens as happy as yours.
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If I could only have a chicken resort like yours!
How did you plan this all out?
I see you even have a sitting area for you to sit and watch your beauties.
I can't even tell you how impressed I am. That is beautiful to look at, very pleasing to the eye. Thats like a chicken playground. Love all the pics.
That's chicken coop eye candy.
It reminded me of a miniature golf setup.
I thought I was clever with ONE frame for greens.
I use alfalfa, vetch, wheat and field peas.
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