*Clovers and Cottontails* A Rabbit RP Part 2

Caspian timidly crawled up beside her. "I don't like fighting, Vetch. And I'm only born into second rank." He tried moving the stump. It didn't budge. "I'm surprised Chief Roger hasn't changed things. But maybe he will some day." He sat back and began brushing the dirt away from Vetch's wound.
(For this segment I’m going to go off the Watership Down idea that the does are the best diggers,)

Vetch flinched as Caspian cleaned the dirt from her scratch, but she didn’t stop him: there was a sharp pebble stuck in the wound and it was really bugging her.
“I sort of understand your not wanting to fight, Caspian. But... you might have to, and from the looks of it, you won’t be fighting just for yourself, but for the good of our whole colony.“
She sighed and stood up, “I worked my tail off to climb the ranks, and I am confident that I am right for my role. And… Caspian, I think you should be too.”
She hopped over to the back of the prison burrow and was pawing at the dirt, she halted, “That doesn’t mean I like you now, so don’t get cocky.“
She continued snuffling along the wall, “They chose the wrong place for a prison,” she exclaimed. “Look here, no not there, right here.. yes that’s the spot: it’s mostly sand, we can dig out of here in no time at all-“ She froze as a sharp crack resonated through the burrow, and the loud crashing of two-legs sounded outside, sending chills down her spine, “Caspian, what’s going on out there?”
Reynard wiped the slobber off his jaw.
He glanced at the vixen, who had slunk off into the thickets and was watching him. Turning his eyes to Vera, he gave a rattling chuckle. "Chill? Since... when did a... rabbit... tell a fox to... chill?"
He stood up slowly.
"Who are you...anyway? Where...is Laufen?"
"Stop- stop moving." The doe beside Vera whispered in fear. Vera heard her, "Fox, you will bleed out and die if you don't stop. Lie down, we're here to help. I am Chief Veritas of the Thicket Burrows. Now get back down." She watched him closely, ready to start the second he showed signs of aggression.
"Stop- stop moving." The doe beside Vera whispered in fear. Vera heard her, "Fox, you will bleed out and die if you don't stop. Lie down, we're here to help. I am Chief Veritas of the Thicket Burrows. Now get back down." She watched him closely, ready to start the second he showed signs of aggression.
Did your Prairie rabbit respond to twister again??)

*freya sat just outside the. Bushes, watching the rabbit with an amused expression.*
*Twister spotted the two and hopped over.*

Twister: I have a message from my chief. *he waited for them to respond.*

As soon as she spotted the new rabbit, she wheeled on him, "How did the scouts not see you?" She questioned, surprised.

Twister: beats me. I wasn't exactly hiding after all. *he said with a shrug.* didn't see a single sentry or scout.

"Thorns and briers, where is Vetch?!" Belle exclaimed. Without Vetch to keep the guard in line their defenses would be terrible.

Twister: that's what the message is about. Chief vera is power hungry, and will do anything to get more of it. Even capturing vetch and Caspian when they came to the Warren. *he handed her the message on the back. About their capture, and her terms for their release.*
"What does the message say?" Asked Roger, curiously.
Rissa had had her suspicions for a while, Vera only cared about herself and power, all the power, Rissa decided that she didn't want to stay in thicket burrow if Vera was in charge, she decided to go and talk to the chief of prairie Warren to see if she could join them.

Rissa ran as fast as she could to prairie and requested to talk to the chief. @The-White-Elephant
(Rogér is with Bellé and Twister. Maybe make her come over to Roger?)
(For this segment I’m going to go off the Watership Down idea that the does are the best diggers,)

Vetch flinched as Caspian cleaned the dirt from her scratch, but she didn’t stop him: there was a sharp pebble stuck in the wound and it was really bugging her.
“I sort of understand your not wanting to fight, Caspian. But... you might have to, and from the looks of it, you won’t be fighting just for yourself, but for the good of our whole colony.“
She sighed and stood up, “I worked my tail off to climb the ranks, and I am confident that I am right for my role. And… Caspian, I think you should be too.”
She hopped over to the back of the prison burrow and was pawing at the dirt, she halted, “That doesn’t mean I like you now, so don’t get cocky.“
She continued snuffling along the wall, “They chose the wrong place for a prison,” she exclaimed. “Look here, no not there, right here.. yes that’s the spot: it’s mostly sand, we can dig out of here in no time at all-“ She froze as a sharp crack resonated through the burrow, and the loud crashing of two-legs sounded outside, sending chills down her spine, “Caspian, what’s going on out there?”
Caspian flattened himself in a corner, his ears and nose twitching. CRACK. He heard panicked rabbits voices on the other side of the stump. "I- I'm not sure." He said, his eyes darting around the room in fear. His heart pounded in his chest. A few moments passed. Nothing happened. "I-... Vetch... Let's get our of here." Caspian whispered, hopping up to the sandy area. "Be careful that we don't break the crusted mud here. We'll be suffocated in an instant if all that sand breaks loose." He began digging.
"What does the message say?" Asked Roger, curiously.

(Rogér is with Bellé and Twister. Maybe make her come over to Roger?)
Twister: it says that vetch and Caspian were captured by her and are her prisoners. If you want them back, to surrender and swear loyalty. *he was hoping they wouldn't take their anger out on him, since he came alone.* she told me to return with your answer as soon as possible.
Twister: it says that vetch and Caspian were captured by her and are her prisoners. If you want them back, to surrender and swear loyalty. *he was hoping they wouldn't take their anger out on him, since he came alone.* she told me to return with your answer as soon as possible.
Belle spluttered. Someone captured Vetch. Unheard of. Vetch was her captain, her lady. She looked to Roger then to Twister. In a split second she leapt upon the new buck and threw him to the ground, pressing her paws against his throat. "We're almost even." She panted, shoving Twister into the ground harder, "But this will have to do. If there's going to be a war we might as well have one less bunny to fight." She took a shaky breath, her muscles tense holding Twister down, "Do you want him in the prison, Chief?" She asked in a strained voice.

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