*Clovers and Cottontails* A Rabbit RP Part 2

Freya: no?? *the grey fox stated. She in fact ate a buck.*

Twister: watch out for the hawk! *he warned them again.*
Falke, hearing the rabbit’s chatter, impatiently gave a hawk cry. He was hungry, and was wondering if the young doe that had hopped up would make a better dinner.
can he go after Wednesday, or should he just stick to stalking poor Twister?

Laufen finished helping Rissa bury Veritas. She sat by the grave a moment, standing vigil, before remembering that she was in the Prairie Warren. Soon, she left, running back to the Thicket Burrows after a respectful nod to Rissa.
Rissa sat beside Vera's grave for hours, thinking, She regretted all she had done and she considered leaving all the Warren's and becoming a loner but that would be betraying even more rabbits by abandoning them. She stood and hopped back towards thicket Burrows unsure what to do.
Freya: no?? *the grey fox stated. She in fact ate a buck.*

Twister: watch out for the hawk! *he warned them again.*
Fett heard him this time. "Freya, get that kit out of the open!" He shouted, running towards Twister. "What are you doing out here?" He asked, recognizing the buck. He quickly looked over Twister's injuries, frowning.
Fett heard him this time. "Freya, get that kit out of the open!" He shouted, running towards Twister. "What are you doing out here?" He asked, recognizing the buck. He quickly looked over Twister's injuries, frowning.
Wednesday grinned, following closely behind Fett. “Feet, what’s a kit?"
Wednesday grinned, following closely behind Fett. “Feet, what’s a kit?"
Fett turned to her and away from Twister. He scanned the sky for the hawk and spotted him in a tree. "Get," he grabbed the doe by her scruff, "down here." He forced her to the ground beside her. "There's a predator- a bunny eater about." He said shaking his head slowly. He hopped back to Twister, dragging Wednesday along with him. "Take it easy." He said to the buck. "We'll make it out of here."
Fett heard him this time. "Freya, get that kit out of the open!" He shouted, running towards Twister. "What are you doing out here?" He asked, recognizing the buck. He quickly looked over Twister's injuries, frowning.
Twister: that hawk snatched me up after I'd delivered chief Vera's message. Bit it, and it dropped me in this territory. *he was pretty badly beat up. Scratches from his fall, a few bruised bones, and the worst being the nasty cut on his neck from the hawk beak.* he is sitting just in the tree above the brambles.*he looked up through the brambles at the hawk.*

*freya shrugged before grabbing the tiny bunny and heading for cover.*
Twister: that hawk snatched me up after I'd delivered chief Vera's message. Bit it, and it dropped me in this territory. *he was pretty badly beat up. Scratches from his fall, a few bruised bones, and the worst being the nasty cut on his neck from the hawk beak.* he is sitting just in the tree above the brambles.*he looked up through the brambles at the hawk.*

*freya shrugged before grabbing the tiny bunny and heading for cover.*
Fett propped Twister up on his shoulder. Even though he was dominant he still cared for his own. "It'll be faster just to take you to the Marsh." A small pool of blood had gathered around Twister and stuck to his fur. "You need a medic, fast. Freya! Come here and we'll walk underneath you to avoid the hawk, just past this clearing. Then we're safe. Now don't pass out on me, Twister, I can't carry your dead weight." Fett ordered. He limped along with Twister's paw draped across his shoulder. He groaned as he gave the last heave and repositioned himself, panting. "Freya, walk slowly, I won't be able to move fast with Twister. And you," he pointed to Wednesday, "either follow closely or stay in a bush, I don't care, but your other options end in death so make a quick decision." He took a few deep breaths and heaved Twister back into position, trying not to hurt him.

@Blue Raptor

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