*Clovers and Cottontails* A Rabbit RP Part 2

Vetch thought for a moment, “No, not a word. It’s been quiet since Veritas died. And I’m starting to think it’s a little too quiet.” She began to dig along the nursery wall, “I’ll ask Caspian if Roger has informed him of anything,” she said. “Although I do think he’d tell me if he knew something..” She started to look cross, and muttered under her breath, “That thistlewit better make sure he’s telling me everything.. or so help me-“ With Bella helping her, they finished the nursery quickly.

(I dunno what else to write, lol.)
Belle began to groom herself, covered in dirt from burrowing. Off in the distance she heard gunshots. She stood up and froze. "That sounded awful close to Thicket." She whispered to Vetch.
A buck ran down screaming through the burrows, passing Esther's den in a blur, "Two legs! And weasels!" He yelped as he darted past. Esther hunkered down by her kits as a long dark shadow snaked it's way through the burrows after the buck. She shivered at the sight of the ferret. She needed to get her kits out and go safety.
Gun shots rang out as the colony scattered in fright. The angry farmers aim was sure and the five weasels he had brought were doing their job. He had a pair of small dogs bred for hunting small animals. They chased down any other rabbit who escaped the farmers wrath.

Noel began to dig frantically. She collapsed her burrows entrance and began to burrow into the back wall. She got a foot deep when the burrow entrance began to crumble. Something was trying to get in. She hurriedly started rushing her kits into the small extra burrow. Once she had all 5 to safety, she covered the small burrows entrance as best she could, and the creature scratching at the wall burst into the main burrow. The ferret circled the burrow, sniffing aggressively. He stopped in front of Noel's small burrow. As he began to dig, Noel burrowed still deeper, trying to get her kits to safety. Suddenly the scratching sound behind her stopped and the weasel bounded off towards another terrified rabbit. Noel shuddered, but continued to dig. She couldn't give up.

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