*Clovers and Cottontails* A Wild Rabbit RP

" Get a group of rabbits and have them make a new stream and move it to where we can get it," Ludewig says while thinking of other things that might work.
"But the water comes from the freshwater stream and that's here. Big animals will come here to hydrate. I think we need to move before they come. We're going to draw in so much unnecessary attention and risking rabbit lives. Another thing is there's a wild sickness spreading. That's probably why the bear attacked us. It drives things mad."
" But where will we go, we have a lot of rabbits, we can't go to the forest or beyond because there is a human city," Ludewig says while pacing back and forth.
"Right, and we can't leave the water either. The river's turned into a stream and is dying fast. Maybe we should get a group together from the other colonies and warrens and figure out if there's anything blocking it. We don't have enough SMART strong rabbits here. Emphasis on 'smart.'" Sprout motioned to a pair of bucks fighting for no apparent reason.
"Right, and we can't leave the water either. The river's turned into a stream and is dying fast. Maybe we should get a group together from the other colonies and warrens and figure out if there's anything blocking it. We don't have enough SMART strong rabbits here. Emphasis on 'smart.'" Sprout motioned to a pair of bucks fighting for no apparent reason.
“do you think I could help with anything?“ Blaze asked timidly as he poked his head out of some reeds.
"Right, and we can't leave the water either. The river's turned into a stream and is dying fast. Maybe we should get a group together from the other colonies and warrens and figure out if there's anything blocking it. We don't have enough SMART strong rabbits here. Emphasis on 'smart.'" Sprout motioned to a pair of bucks fighting for no apparent reason.
"If the water's dying up it's gonna be in an unexplored territory so we need to get a group together, you can be part of it if you want to blaze," Ludewig says.

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