*Clovers and Cottontails* A Wild Rabbit RP

Zelmira blushed, for she secretly had a slight crush on Hopper, however she quickly realized her cheeks were getting hot, and shook it off. "Oh, um," Zelmira stepped in, "I was just telling Rex we only had a few months left on this location."
Hopper nodded. "Okay." He said. He had a small crush on Zelmira.
Rex nodded and looked at the rest of the rabbits. "Okay, everyone. I have an announcement." He yelled out.
The rabbits all gasped thinking it was a bad thing. "No, it is not bad." He said. The rabbits let out sighs of relief.
"I asked my good friend Zelmira how many months we have left in this location. She said one or two so I just want you all to get ready and plan for the day we run out of grass in this area." All the other rabbits nodded.
Zelmira walked off to the side, and motioned for Hopper to come over. "I have something really cool to show you..."

She looked behind her to make sure no one else was looking, and dug up her secret tunnel, she jumped down and said, "Wait here, I'll be right back."

She came back with a branch in her mouth, it hide large red barries on it. She dropped it at Hopper's feet. "Miracle fruit." she said. "It has the coolest effect, it alters the way you taste things, wanna try? Make sure not to eat too much though, it should only be consumed in moderation."
Zelmira walked off to the side, and motioned for Hopper to come over. "I have something really cool to show you..."

She looked behind her to make sure no one else was looking, and dug up her secret tunnel, she jumped down and said, "Wait here, I'll be right back."

She came back with a branch in her mouth, it hide large red barries on it. She dropped it at Hopper's feet. "Miracle fruit." she said. "It has the coolest effect, it alters the way you taste things, wanna try? Make sure not to eat too much though, it should only be consumed in moderation."
"Whoa, Zelmira! Where'd you find this? Of course I wanna try!" He exclaimed.

He took a few pieces of the fruit off of the branch with his mouth. He swallowed them down. They tasted very good. "So, what do I do now?" He asked cluelessly.
"Whoa, Zelmira! Where'd you find this? Of course I wanna try!" He exclaimed.

He took a few pieces of the fruit off of the branch with his mouth. He swallowed them down. They tasted very good. "So, what do I do now?" He asked cluelessly.
"Well, eat something!" It'll make sour things taste sweet, you could eat something like a lemon, and would taste like the sweetest bit of candy you've ever tried! Erm, well, I guess you don't know what candy is... human thing... but anyways, just eat something!"
"Well, eat something!" It'll make sour things taste sweet, you could eat something like a lemon, and would taste like the sweetest bit of candy you've ever tried! Erm, well, I guess you don't know what candy is... human thing... but anyways, just eat something!"
Hopper hopped over to a small dandelion and chomped the flower part off. Normally, the flower part tasted bitter and earthy but this time it was extremely sweet. He hopped back over to Zelmira with a shocked face. "Wow! That was amazing!" He exclaimed.

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