*Clovers and Cottontails* A Wild Rabbit RP

"This way." Moon Mist motioned. She found an opening out the other side of the bush where they could slide away from the beast.
Alethea glanced over at the opening. "But are you sure it won't sniff us out? We're too far away from the borrows to go back. We need to get into a spot that it can't get us, even if it does smell us." She looked around. "Is there a whole in a tree that we could all fit in?" She looked expectantly at Moon Mist since she had experience in this sort of thing.
Alethea glanced over at the opening. "But are you sure it won't sniff us out? We're too far away from the borrows to go back. We need to get into a spot that it can't get us, even if it does smell us." She looked around. "Is there a whole in a tree that we could all fit in?" She looked expectantly at Moon Mist since she had experience in this sort of thing.
Moon Mist took a second to think and look around "Look! There!" Moon Mist spotted a hole under a tree, the roots entangled it and provided a supported shelter, erosion had cause the large crevice to open.
Ludewig wakes up in the forest with sprout next to him. He gets up slowly to not wake her up. (your welcome)
Sprout slowly woke up. She was alone, the sun beating down on her. She squinted her eyes and looked around. What was I doing here? Then she remembered last night. She giddily binkied back to the borrows, looking for her mate.

(When rabbits binkie it means that they jump and twirl around... its quite funny to watch and it just means that they are insanely happy... mine sometimes do it, ill try to send a video if they do :))

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