Clucky's New Flock Adventures

🥳🥳Name Reveals🥳🥳

As you all know, I currently have 42 chicks in three different age groups. I'm raising most of them for a friend, but I do plan to keep a rooster and 4-10 hens for myself. So far I have 5 pullets and 1 cockerel picked out!

This little guy is a Buff Orpington cockerel. Currently at 8 weeks old, he has the characteristics I'm looks for in a good flock leader!

This sweetie is also a Buff Orpington. I've always loved the breed so I decided to keep a few of them this year. :D
This is supposedly an ISA brown pullet. I meant to sell her along with her sister....but something between us just clicked and I fell in love!
This adorable baby was also supposed to be sold, but for some reason I just because too attached and decided to keep her at the last minute!

(These last two are from the youngest batch, so they are still much smaller than everyone else. I will be slowly introducing them through the next few weeks.)

This is the prettiest Easter Egger I've ever seen! Fortunately, I *think* she'll be a pullet!
Last but not least, I present one of the cutest little Buff Orps you'll ever meet!

Please comment your favorite chick and your favorite name!
Galaxy and Little bo Peep!!
There all so cute
:love :love :love
Thank you everybody! Seems like a lot of you love Galaxy! 😁

She was sold as an Olive Egger, but who knows. ;)
I have an extremely adorable cockerel that she'd make a great bride for.... He has blue genes, a muff, and is mostly black.... :love :love :love :love

Just saying, they'd look great together! :p
I have an extremely adorable cockerel that she'd make a great bride for.... He has blue genes, a muff, and is mostly black.... :love :love :love :love

Just saying, they'd look great together! :p
Can i see a pic im sure he is beautiful!! I had easter eggers and i miss them😕. Onr day i will get more.
🥳🥳Name Reveals🥳🥳

As you all know, I currently have 42 chicks in three different age groups. I'm raising most of them for a friend, but I do plan to keep a rooster and 4-10 hens for myself. So far I have 5 pullets and 1 cockerel picked out!

This little guy is a Buff Orpington cockerel. Currently at 8 weeks old, he has the characteristics I'm looks for in a good flock leader!

This sweetie is also a Buff Orpington. I've always loved the breed so I decided to keep a few of them this year. :D
This is supposedly an ISA brown pullet. I meant to sell her along with her sister....but something between us just clicked and I fell in love!
This adorable baby was also supposed to be sold, but for some reason I just because too attached and decided to keep her at the last minute!

(These last two are from the youngest batch, so they are still much smaller than everyone else. I will be slowly introducing them through the next few weeks.)

This is the prettiest Easter Egger I've ever seen! Fortunately, I *think* she'll be a pullet!
Last but not least, I present one of the cutest little Buff Orps you'll ever meet!

Please comment your favorite chick and your favorite name!
I wish I could come and chick nap them they're so cute!:love:love:love:love
Can i see a pic im sure he is beautiful!! I had easter eggers and i miss them😕. Onr day i will get more.
Hm, really? 😏 Can I see a picture?
Ok, you two. Be prepared! Click the Spoiler below. :love :love :love


Bobby is a Whiting True Blue cockerel. So he will have blue genes, which he should pass down to his children. Adorable, ain't he? :love:love:love
Ok, you two. Be prepared! Click the Spoiler below. :love :love :love


View attachment 3106415
Bobby is a Whiting True Blue cockerel. So he will have blue genes, which he should pass down to his children. Adorable, ain't he? :love:love:love
HE IS SO ADORABLE! Would make some great babies!! 😍 I just might need to have him..... What's his personality like? Would he make a good roo?
HE IS SO ADORABLE! Would make some great babies!! 😍 I just might need to have him..... What's his personality like? Would he make a good roo?
I know! :love :love If it wasn't for my cockerel, Turbulence, I'd either keep him or Eli, my Lemon Cuckoo Orpington cockerel. He's cool. He is slightly an eye pecker, so don't get your eyes too cute, no matter how cute his face is. I think he'd be a good rooster. He is friendly.... Which most of my cockerels in that batch is. Again, if it wasn't for Turbulence, I'd keep either him or Eli. (I'd like to teach him to come to his name, but probably won't have time to.)

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