Clucky's New Flock Adventures

Currently, just 2. Had 3 at the time. I am not sure when, but I'm guessing about March (this year). That's when I noticed the new egg.
I've seen strange and different eggs come out of my girls too. Like occasionally I get this strange medium white egg. It's assumed to have come out of my Blue Rock who lays large white eggs. She has something wrong with her internally, so that's why I think the weird eggs come from her.
Sometimes when they!re about to start laying they’ll lay in the nest box a few days before, but not actually lay an egg. Is it possible when you left she was just trying out the box, and someone else laid in the time you were gone?

Or she brought the egg in with her? Hens can steal other hen's eggs without your knowledge. That's why you should always check your broodies wings before moving them. ;)
This evening I found some time to hang out with the chicks. 😁 Right now I am with the youngest babies: 6 Buff Orpingtons and 3 Black Austrolorps. It is getting colder so I’ll probably bring them in after I post this.
This evening I found some time to hang out with the chicks. 😁 Right now I am with the youngest babies: 6 Buff Orpingtons and 3 Black Austrolorps. It is getting colder so I’ll probably bring them in after I post this.View attachment 3128955
Awww!!!! :love :love :love :love
Are you going to keep the three Australorps?

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