Co-Workers Are Mad At Me.


10 Years
Jan 11, 2010
I am laid up for the next 3 days on Doctors orders.
I pulled my lower back muscles. Thought I had just slipped it out of line and it just needed to be popped back in.
Went in and it took me 20 minutes to get up off the table. Doc said my spine was in line and it was the muscles. Told me no walking, no standing, no lifting for the next 3 days. I am to either be sitting or laying down and have an ice pack on my lower back.

The reason they are mad is because it is the towns busiest weekend of the year and I am out. Wasn't like I planned it. This also knocks me off the ambulance service too.

Just changed ice packs. Doc said to ice it til it was numb not just cold. Need to take more medicine for the pain.
Ouch! I hope you feel better as soon as possible!
I do too Megan! If I take the ice pack off for more then 5 minutes I can feel my muscles getting hot again.
Geez, well the less you stress the faster it will heal. Do your best to just ignore your co-workers. I't's not like your in control of your injury.
Thank you everyone!
Was hoping to make it to work today, but when I got up this morning the spasms started again. So had to call the manager I could not make it. I could hear by the tone of her voice she was mad, but nothing I can do. I'm healing as fast as my body will heal.
Sitting with a large ice pack on my back. The muscles are not as hot as they were yesterday.

Just watching TV and crocheting an afghan for DD. Not stressing about my co-workers anymore.
This is stupid! As long as I am standing or walking I am fine no pain. I sit for a long time or drive my back spasms as soon as I stand up. Guess I shouldn't have said anything to the boss, he sent me home. I do not blame him, but I do need the money my job brings in.
Been there. Back problems are well an S.....O.....B. I ruptured a disk and it was 8 months before it was better. Numb leg and all. Hard to drive a truck with no feeling in your clutch pedal leg. And 4 Tylenol an hour weren't helping. Back problems s..k.

Just got back to work myself from abdominal surgery. was supposed to go back after the 4th but know it is a busy time and wanted to be there for the crew. We will see how that translates down the road.
Wish you the best for a speedy recovery but don't rush back as it may further the problem.
Been doing some simple stretches and it is helping to stop the spasms. Was able to stand up after sitting for awhile and it did not spasm.
I'm laying flat on my back and I bring one knee up to my chest and then pulling it towards the opposite hip. I can feel the muscles stretch through my back. I repeat that on the opposite side.
I did another stretch that DD's physical therapist showed me. Laying flat on my back I raise both knees to my chest and then slowly raise both feet towards the ceiling. Took me several tries to get my feet all the way up.

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