Cocci in 3 week old chick, started on Sulmet, would like to change to Corid. Is that OK?


8 Years
Apr 6, 2011
Fairhope, AL
I have 14 chicks taken from 2 broody hens 2 weeks ago due to overcrowded pens, weather changes, damp, hot, damp, cold etc. Moved them to inside brooder. Last Friday started seeing bloody stools. Took them off med feed,now on non-med chick feed, started on Sulmet, what I had on hand.
Then had them dosed for 2 days, they been off of it 1 day.
1. Can I go ahead and change to Corid now, they have had electrolytes for 24 hours?
2.Bleeding isn't bright red, now dark red, some clotting. When should the bleeding stop? How long for then to turn the corner?
3. Have 6 week olds I incubated, still on med feed, been outside 2 weeks, no signs of distress. Should I give corid to them, or do they have enough immunity?
4. Have 2 sets of Roos with 5 hens each in separate pens, No distress. Should I vaccinate them?
5. Read on here OK to eat chicken eggs on Corid. Have egg customers, is this true?
Thanks so much for any assistance!!
I have 14 chicks taken from 2 broody hens 2 weeks ago due to overcrowded pens, weather changes, damp, hot, damp, cold etc. Moved them to inside brooder. Last Friday started seeing bloody stools. Took them off med feed,now on non-med chick feed, started on Sulmet, what I had on hand.
Then had them dosed for 2 days, they been off of it 1 day.
1. Can I go ahead and change to Corid now, they have had electrolytes for 24 hours?
2.Bleeding isn't bright red, now dark red, some clotting. When should the bleeding stop? How long for then to turn the corner?
3. Have 6 week olds I incubated, still on med feed, been outside 2 weeks, no signs of distress. Should I give corid to them, or do they have enough immunity?
4. Have 2 sets of Roos with 5 hens each in separate pens, No distress. Should I vaccinate them?
5. Read on here OK to eat chicken eggs on Corid. Have egg customers, is this true?
Thanks so much for any assistance!!
Any ideas? Thanks!
I think it's one teaspoon per gallon of water, but double check that. I use the liquid at 9.5 ml/gallon.
Goodness, thanks so much. Does this need to be re-mixed? Just getting reallly worried now. Had hope to see better signs. Haven't pin pointed which chick yet, but watching a few who are not quite as "busy" as the others.
I'm thinking I'll go ahead and pour some of the solution on the med feed for the 6 week olds. Same medication in feed, what do you think?
Goodness, thanks so much. Does this need to be re-mixed? Just getting reallly worried now. Had hope to see better signs. Haven't pin pointed which chick yet, but watching a few who are not quite as "busy" as the others.
I'm thinking I'll go ahead and pour some of the solution on the med feed for the 6 week olds. Same medication in feed, what do you think?
I would only treat the batch that are showing symptoms. It's a lot of work, but weighing them is a very good way to track health. Young birds should gain weight daily, weight loss is often the first sign that they're getting sick. If you can, go to Target or Walmart and get your self a digital kitchen scale and get a baseline weight on your chicks.
I would only treat the batch that are showing symptoms. It's a lot of work, but weighing them is a very good way to track health. Young birds should gain weight daily, weight loss is often the first sign that they're getting sick. If you can, go to Target or Walmart and get your self a digital kitchen scale and get a baseline weight on your chicks.
Do I need to remix the soulution daily?
I usually just make a quart at a time, so I actually don't know. However, I did notice that if left in the sun for a day, the mixture changes color, so maybe it would be best to make it daily?

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