Cocci in 4 week old chicks


Jul 23, 2019
i have some chicken inside my house in the brooder that a couple started pooping blood today. Never noticed it until now.
Ironically I did a round of corid with them just yesterday as a preventative.
Should I not have or are they showing signs of cocci and should I do another round?
How do I break it down for a quart waterer?

This is what I would do.
Treatment20% Powder9.6% Liquid
For 3-5 days1/2 teaspoon per quart1/2 teaspoons per quart
then for 7-14 days1/8 teaspoon per quart1/8 teaspoon per quart
The powder amounts are a little higher than they need to be but Corid is very safe and this little bit extra will not harm them.

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