

In the Brooder
Jun 15, 2023
Overnight I lost 5 out of 10 chicks. (6 weeks old) had no idea they had it as they were completely fine and then dropped dead out if no where.

This the first time dealing with coccidosis. Today the final 5 started corid. Two are lethargic and hanging their heads.

Ive been watering them all with a syringe every so often. Since they are too weak. They have a waterer with corid in it too.

My question is….

How long did it take for your chicks to improve? Did anyone else have one lethargic and make it?
Great. I hope they pull through.

Start a vitamin/electrolyte mix after you are done with the corid, but not during. Brings down effectiveness of the corid.
Great. I hope they pull through.

Start a vitamin/electrolyte mix after you are done with the corid, but not during. Brings down effectiveness of the corid.
I just lost another one. They had no signs until today and I feel so bad. It’s breaking my heart seeing this happen. Down to 4 out of the ten. 💔
Overnight I lost 5 out of 10 chicks. (6 weeks old) had no idea they had it as they were completely fine and then dropped dead out if no where.

This the first time dealing with coccidosis. Today the final 5 started corid. Two are lethargic and hanging their heads.

Ive been watering them all with a syringe every so often. Since they are too weak. They have a waterer with corid in it too.

My question is….

How long did it take for your chicks to improve? Did anyone else have one lethargic and make it?

I just lost another one. They had no signs until today and I feel so bad. It’s breaking my heart seeing this happen. Down to 4 out of the ten. 💔
Sorry about your chicks.

Photos of poop, chicks, housing - Thank you.

What do you feed including treats?
What is your weather like? You don't have your location in your profile - so where are you and the temp outside - Thanks!

Were the chicks initially sick and you started the Corid, saw improvement and now they are dying or did they die and you now started the Corid?

You mention no signs until today - so no chicks were sick up until today? They all died on the same day or you've lost them over the course of days/weeks?

I'm sorry - I'm unclear on the timeline - it can be important.

What dose of Corid are you using?
I am having a bit if a crisis, my daughter is very sick on top of the chicks being sick. Im struggling to keep up with both.

I willl try to get out and take some pictures. For now I can at-least answer questions!

Food regular chick starter, no treats. Chick grit.

I live in Northern Michigan, 80 degrees this week, night time temps drop to 50/60s.

Brooder has lamp on one side and one side cool. Its about 6 feet long. The barn they are in is also cooler then outside.

Brooder is cleaned often, water changed every day. Fresh food everyday. Not sure what caused it.

Chicks randomly died without any symptoms, but remaining few had symptoms after finding the others dead. Fluffed up bloody poop. Lethargic. It was all very quick. Yesterday I found a dead chick and now 8 have died. I am with them multiple times a day and none were acting off the days leading to this.

Corid 9.6% liquid- 2 tsp in galloon of water. I have been syringing the water in their beaks. The ones that died today were started on Corid yesterday 3 pm.

I did a drench of .10 ml on the chicks that were alive today. Two still died. Im down to two chicks now. I know they ate yesterday, not sure if they have ate anything today yet.
I'm sorry that you're having such a rough time, I can't imagine how overwhelming this must be. :hugs
I hope your daughter gets better soon.

During the day, likely they don't need additional heat. Make sure it's not getting too warm on them.

Giving them the direct oral drench in addition to them drinking the mixed water is a very good idea.

If you can, since there's a lot of bloody poop, a sulfa drug may be more effective. You can use THIS. Totrazuril could also be used, it can be found HERE.

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