Coccidia in 7 week chicks


In the Brooder
6 Years
May 4, 2013
We purchased three 2 week old Dominique chicks. They were perfectly happy and healthy. About a week ago at age 6 weeks we took them outside for the daytime so they could play. They have been out daily since then. Outside we have 7 RIR/Delaware cross hens that are 1 year old. They also are perfectly happy and healthy. The chicks and hens never shared space at the same time but the hens free range and did go in the chick "pen" when the chicks were not in it so they shared the same ground but at different times.

Two chicks are now dead. All hens are healthy/eating/producing eggs. The rabbit also shared space with the chicks.

Symptoms: The 2 dead chicks were not as noisy/flighty 2 days ago. Yesterday the female was obviously having some issue. Her brother also was not well. The third guy is perfectly normal. We noticed lethargy first. Then the female had liquid come out her nose when we picked her up. We vomited her a little as her crop was like a water balloon. Liquid came out but it only smelled like wet chick feed. Both sick chicks would not eat but did drink. They stood around asleep all day. I bought Corid and put it in the water yesterday evening and also tried to syringe feed them. Last night she died. The male took the exact same course of illness but about 6 hours behind her. They did have red poop that looked like mucous. I took this to the local lab and the fecal test came back as positive for Coccidia (Eimeria sp.) Their diet is regular chick feed and they have never been medicated or vaccinated. They are from a local breeder.

I have the other male on Corid water. He is still very healthy but not at all happy to be alone. He is constantly trying to get out of the box and cheeping. Poor little guy! But he eats and drinks just fine.

What I need to know is can I get more chicks his age (the breeder has more his age) and keep them healthy by letting them have Corid water as they get used to our yard and build immunity? From what I have read I cannot get rid of the Coccidia. So how do I introduce new birds but keep them safe from the Coccidia? If I put them on Corid water how long should I do that? I know they'll have to build immunity at some point.

Also what about the hens? Should I give them 5 days of Corid (2 tsp. per gallon) just to make sure they don't get it? They have lived in the same yard the chicks were in for a full year and have never been sick, vaccinated, or medicated in any way. I realize from my reading that they may be the carriers of the organism and the chicks got it from them. We get lots of sparrows around here so it could also be a new Coccidia for everyone.

The healthy male will have to go when he crows so I can try to rehome him but I have a feeling that won't be easy. We were just going to eat him if we couldn't rehome him but I don't want him to be alone for 3 more months! I either want to get him friends or rehome him and get new babies. Either way I don't want dying chicks again so I need to know what to do.

Thanks so much. This is a really helpful site!!! Hope I posted in the right place!
Thank you for the info. So should I treat the older hens who have been in the yard for over a year with no medication and no disease? I can put the Corid in their water just in case but I'd rather not medicate if it is not necessary.
Thanks again for the reply!

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