

11 Years
May 29, 2008
South Eastern Massachusetts
My dog tested positive for this in his stool, he has had 2 bouts of diarrehea the past 2 months or so, both needing to be treated with meds from the vet, today his sample came back as positive.

My 2 chickens 17 weeks old have no symptoms at all. from what I have read and seen ( poop pics) yuck! they do not have it.

My vet has no chicken experience at all. She did say that they might be carriers of it and that is why they do not show symptoms. If so I imagine i would need to treat them for it, so he doesnt get it again.

I can get the medicine for him from the vet, but what do I give the chickens? I read corcid? sp and sulmet. Where can I get these and what are the doses and where in southeatern Mass can I get them tested?

Also since he has it , that means all the soil in my yard is contaminated with it, what do I do about that??

Thanks for any help in advance.
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It's a different type of cocci, species specific, I believe. It's in the soil itself. That's where your dog will get the oocysts that affect him. And there is nothing you can do to treat your soil other than remove it entirely, not practical at all.
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I didn't know that dogs could get coccidiosis - what were the symptoms? I have three so I would like to know.
I am new to this too, but I have had a real run-in with coccidiosis (which is a protazoa) in my small flock and after weeks of treating them and not losing any to it, I think they are finally through it.
There are many experts on this site, so heed their advice first. Here is what I have learned from experience.
As to the soil, it seems cocci is almost always in the soil anyway, and the birds will build a natural immunity. But there are ways to ensure that they don't succumb to the disease by not being over-whelmed by the presence of it, mainly in terms of the standard of conditions...
It thrives in damp conditions, so make sure the area around the waterer does not stay wet.
Clean the bedding daily, removing all excrement so that they cannot ingest too much - they will ingest some anyway, but this also helps build their immunity.
Feed them medicated food (should have a coccidiostat in it).
If you do have to treat....
The medications are Sulmet water soluble.
Corid (Amprolium)
All can be diluted in the drinking water and it is important to follow the dosage directions carefully, and to complete the whole course.
I found them at feed stores who sell chicks, but it took some searching. Corid (Amprolium) was the most effective in my experience. I used it as a follow up after the Sulmet didn't seem to clear it up. Corid is expensive, but worth it.
I know Sulmet is hard on their systems.
Feeding them plain yogurt is helpful as it encourages the healthy flora in their gut - like a pro-biotic. They really love it too!
The first signs I saw was the merest hint of orangy-red in their poo, it gets redder, and this is the sign that their intestine is being damaged. Do not wait for it to get any worse.
A sick bird will stand in a hunched attitude with the feathers on its back all ruffled, often with eyes closed, they are feeling really sick now.
I isolated the bird the first time, but treated the whole flock because if one has it, so do all the others - potentially.
They will still build the immunity even though you are trying to knock it out of their systems.
Personally I wouldn't treat them if there are no visible signs that they are infected, the treatment itself is hard on them, although some would recommend a lighter dose as a preventative, I don't know which is right.
Just watch carefully and really examine their poo on a daily basis.
I really hope you manage to avoid all this, it is very distressing. Apparently this has been a very bad year for coccidiosis, and then there is also the possibility of resistant strains developing. Many recommend that you alternate medications (as I did).
Keep asking the questions here, I have received so much helpful advice.
I hope your dog is okay.
Good luck with your chickens.
Thanks for the great replies, THey have not shown any symptoms at all, which is weird, unless it is truely species specific. dog to dog bird to bird. They, knock on wood, look great. very active feathered well and no funny poop.

I do live in an area where there is alot of wildlife and various birds, but then my dog would not have had it. We have no other dogs nor had any in my yard for a few months, My MIL had a puppy she brought over but she was fine. I dunno. I am at a loss.

I have a call into a vet that i used to bring mypets to, and he is nice and will see chickens if you bring them in, so I am hoping I can get some info on it being passed animal to animal and see about testing their poop before going into see and pay a bill.

He is a nice vet, not real expensive, we saw him before when my dog was littler and more limber to get into the car, but I didnt know he saw chickens too!!!

the one I have now is strictly house calls but no birds. Very nice lady. When I hear something about the transmition I will post it here.

What is the word on Apple cider vinegar in waterers? Does that help? I saw that in passing on here somewhere.

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