Coccidiosis and Laying Ability


In the Brooder
8 Years
Mar 1, 2011
Hi there. First time posting
I am looking for an answer from those who have been thru the same situation.
I have 16, now 15 chicks that are between 3 and 5 weeks that just showed signs of coccidiosis yesterday. I went to the vet and they are now on Albon. These are dual purpose breeds that I will be using as layers and pets. My actual question is: Does the damage that coccidiosis cause affect these chicks ability to lay later in life? Will it stunt their laying time at all? Or can I expect for all that survive, an appropriate amount of eggs when they reach laying age? Thanks for your wisdom!

Your birds should be fine. Cocci is not unusual in backyard flocks and generally has no lasting impact on flock health. If your chicks survive the acute phase of the cocci overload then they should be okay. They will likely recover with little or no pause in their growth and development.

Good luck.
Thank you! I appreciate your response!
Makes me feel much better!

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