Coccidiosis in 12 week old chick?


In the Brooder
Jan 19, 2022
Hey guys!! Need help.

I think one of my 12 week old chicks has Coccidiosis. She has some blood in her droppings, ruffled feathers, kind of pale?
But she still wants to eat and drink a little bit. Also when I took her away from mom she kept chirping her butt off. So idk if it is actually Coccidiosis.

Can I treat for it just in case it is? Do I need to treat all the chicks as well? It's only one chick showing any symptoms or acting funny.
So I have no idea if it's Coccidiosis or not. Their droppings aren't like full on blood either so.. no idea. I'll post pics just incase anyone can identify if it is or not based on pics. I'll try to get better pics didn't realize they weren't that good. She also has that yellowish clear droppings as well don't know if that's related. She was in my house when I took the pics lol.

The chicks are in a shed in the chicken run BUT the older chickens can't go near them. It's blocked off. Do I treat the older chickens as well?? I also have ducks and geese and turkeys that share the run with the older birds. Idk if I would have to treat them too.

If I do have to treat, I bought Amprol 128. Is it the same dose as corid? Is there a dose for smaller batches of water? I don't have a gallon bucket or waterer lol. Or can I just give it to them by mouth? If so what are the measurements for that?
Last thing, can I still feed the chicks their medicated chick feed during dose or do I switch to adult all flock feed? I've heard chick feed reverses the Amprol/Corid 😬... I hope not lol.

Sorry it's alot 🤦‍♀. Please help tho! Thanks!!


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Dose is 1 1/2 tsp per gallon of water given for 5-7 days as the only source of drinking water.
Don't add any Extra supplements, vitamins, etc. that contain B1(Thiamine) during the course of treatment.

Yes. I would treat all the chicks she's housed with.
Yes. You can still feed them the chick starter you have.
Dose is 1 1/2 tsp per gallon of water given for 5-7 days as the only source of drinking water.
Don't add any Extra supplements, vitamins, etc. that contain B1(Thiamine) during the course of treatment.

Yes. I would treat all the chicks she's housed with.
Yes. You can still feed them the chick starter you have.
Okay thanks 😁
Hey can I feed her some scrambled egg to intise her to eat more? She eats a litlle it's just not enough, and she's so so skinny. I need to get something in her 😩.
Can you post some photos of her?

Yes, you can give her a bit of egg to see if that entices her.

Is she drinking the Amprolium? If not, then you'll need to syringe the mixed water into her to get the medication going.

Sometimes Amprolium may not be effective against certain strains of Coccidia, so it may be a good idea to source a Sulfa antibiotic or Toltrazuril.
I'll take pictures in the morning it's kind of late 😅. But I can feel her bones.
I did a syringe this morning, then added some to her water/food. Since then I think the amprolium is working, she has perked up and is eating/drinking more. Okay thanks. I'll give her egg in the morning to get more protein in her. I really hope she pulls thru, she's my favourite chick.
Can I get those at a feed store like BigR? If so I'll definitely get it if the amprolium doenst end up working.

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