Coccidiosis quarantine time?


Dec 27, 2020
I have chickens that have coccidiosis and im treating with antibiotics, they're both still pretty sick but slowly recovering. How do I know when to stop antibiotics as well as when can I reintroduce them to my flock?
Coccidiosis does not respond to antibiotics because cocci are protazoa and not bacteria. You need to treat with Corid. They also don't need to be quarantined.
I'm not 100% sure it's coccidiosis, I just know they are responding well to the antibiotics. I described the symptoms and the fact that they were responding to antibiotics positively in another thread and that's what everybody else said they could possibly have??
But it seems another one of my birds has come down with it meaning that it is in fact infectious and I separated them from my flock. I know it's not Marek's disease because they've all been vaccinated for it?
Really. And if they are symptomatic, I would get on it quickly. Dose each sickly bird directly, but you might need to treat the whole flock eventually. Cocci live in the environment - not contagious, just everywhere. It's very common but easy to treat.

How old are they?
The ones that are infected at the moment are about 6 months old while the rest of my flock are about 1 to 2 years old
What's her poop like? Any nasal or eye discharge? Breathing ok? When was the last time she laid (if she's laying)?
Summer: Poop is green and had's occasional blood/ stiff and not liquidy, yes nasal discharge, at her peak her breathing was extremely raspy and clearly had fluid in her lungs, she's too young to be laying (

Momo: poop is completely liquid and bright green with dark green chunks, no nasal or eye issues yet (she began to display symptoms today), her breathing is fine so far, just lethargic. She hasn't started laying yet either

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