Cochin Banty Girls? 8 weeks or so...


In the Brooder
9 Years
May 18, 2010
Our first cochins...What awsome birds! Here's Butter. Still hoping for girlie. Whatcha think? I love her cheeks!


This appears to be a cochin/ EE or Ameracauna cross.
Feathered feet are characteristic of cochins, but those muffs are Ameracauna/Aracauna material.
The cross of these two breeds would result in an EE (Easter Egger.)
EEs can lay brown, blue, green, or even pinkish eggs.

I agree she looks girlie and gorgeous!
I intentionally cross Ameracaunas with my Cochin boys to create fuzzy green egg layers just like your Butter.

Congrats! She looks like a sweetie!
Wow! And here I thought they were cochin... I feather sexed them by the wing feathers from the banty bin at TSC. I got lucky with my two OEGs too but my one silkie is a boy.

I did find him a good home with a friend who also has silkies. Once they are bigger I will post more pics. Thanks for your suggestions on breeds.
What a cutie to pick out of the banty bin. Since its a hatchery chick, I agree with the D'Uccle votes.

And with such a tiny comb, its almost certainly a girl. Yeah. D'Uccles are great.

Check that birdie for 5 toes on each leg!

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