Cochin egg laying

Well it could be any time, or it could be in 16 weeks. They mature slower because they are an ornamental breed, not a production breed. If you do a search on here you could find out what others have experienced.
I adopted a silver laced bantam cochin who took forever to start to lay (40+ weeks); since then she's been a fine layer. I get 5-6 eggs a week, small but of good quality. Excellent over easy with a bit of wheat toast. Thing is, now she seems to have gone broody.
According to the guy I bought mine from they should now be a year old. If the hen has laid an egg, it was before I got her and she seems to have been molting ever since I got her. Any day now, maybe...
I'm a total newbie, but I think they completely stop laying during the molting process.

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