Cochin experts...need color, barred, blue, cuckoo??

Ok here is a picture of my Barred Cochin. She is molting so she's a mess right now !! She looked exactly like yours when she was that young.


Here is a bad picture of my Blue Cochin Hen. Hope this helps you.

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I have a Cochin Book and from the looks of it so far it looks like you may have 3 Black Cochins (obvious lol), 2 Barred Cochins and the weird one looks like a Blue Cochin. If you have any pics of them when they were younger this would help cause the book I have shows them as chicks as well as full grown Hens or Roos. The for sure way to tell if you had a blue cochin is if when it was a chick it was a greyish almost blue looking fuzz with some yellow. Hope this helps!
I also found a picture of a Silver Pencil Cochin which might or might not be the weird one but they have darker bodies and a lighter head as hens. As chicks they are yellow with brown spots on their heads. This might be a lil far off but it is the only other cochin that resembles the odd one.
Which one are you thinking is mottled? I am not seeing any mottleds in there.
The correct term on cochins is barred. And it looks like you have 2 that are barred.
The one you keep asking about does look blue, but there is some barring in the feathers as well, especially on the head.

These are standard cochins, correct? Mottled cochins in standard are almost nonexistent, and I'm sure they wouldn't be in TSC's pullet bin!
These all were pretty dark as babies....they looked all black.


These two closest ones are the two spotted ones now....they were and still are much smaller, one was so weak it almost died the first couple days.

Here is a good example of the size difference. Left chicken is the "weird/blue" one, the tiny one next to it is one of the spotted ones.

Another pic of the "blue/weird" one

I'm pretty sure the big ones are standards....the two tiny ones are either just smaller and weaker or bantams or?? They were a little smaller in the beginning and the one had a rough first week....but the other was doing okay.....but now they are about the same size as each other, and are doing okay. Just way smaller.

When I first got them, it did appear that three of them had slight bits of yellow on their head. Those probably turned into the "blues".....but coloring wise they were all about the same shade of dark gray/black.

They are about....5 weeks old now.
One of the speckled ones.

Looks mottled

Both of the speckled ones together. They still have some fuzz...they are feathering out way slower and are much smaller than the rest.

The one on the left looks barred/cuckoo and the one on the right looks mottled.​

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