Cochin or?


9 Years
Feb 5, 2014
So, I am usually pretty good at judging what breeds my birds are. However, this one is supposed to be a Cochin, but is not growing/feathering like my other one. Is it still a Cochin or did the seller grab the wrong bird?


  • IMG_1824.JPG
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In the picture above, it is standing like a bantam.
If it is a Cochin? I am pretty sure it is a bantam Cochin. Blue or black.

What age is it?
If it is a 3-4-5 weeks old Cochin,
it would have more feathers on it's feet.

The head looks fine for a Cochin,
but not the feet.

Hope this helps!
-The Angry Hen
I don't want to sound rude... if it is a cochin it is poorly bred as the feathering on the feet should be way more pronounced going to the middle toe... you may have a brahma on your hands... I don't know of many cochins that have dark feathering with light colored heads so it could either be a barnyard mix of cochin and something else or some sort of brahma... is it large fowl or a bantam?
My other Cochin have much more pronounced leg feathering, that is why I was asking. She could be a bantam. Is supposed to be black variety. She is not a mix. She has a single comb, so she is not Brahma. Got her from a semi-local feed store that basically makes their money on their year-round chick supply. They will order basically anything you ask for from any hatchery.

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