Cochin seems uncoordinated and awkward


Sep 11, 2019
My 14 week old Cochin pullet seems very uncoordinated.

When all the chicks first started roosting, I came out and saw her on the top roost bar (3-4 ft high). One morning I saw her get down and it seemed like she missed the lower bar and landed awkwardly on the ground and it sounded loud. She seemed to be limping a bit but I checked her feet and legs and didn't see anything out of the ordinary. I'm not even sure what I would be looking for though and her feet and legs are covered in feathers.

Since then, I have seen her step on the feathers of the opposite foot and sort of fall over like someone who stepped on an un tied shoelace. The last week or so I have watched her try to jump up to the low roost bar (1ft-1.5ft high). Sometimes after like 3 tries she finally gets up there, and sometimes when she is shuffling around on it she falls. And sometimes she never makes it up and starts to go to sleep in the corner. I even put a stool in there to split the height difference and she accidentally stepped off of it and fell over

She eats and drinks and stays with the flock.

Should I be worried about this? Are Cochins generally just more awkward or is there something else going on?
Pics of her feathered feet please.

My Cochins do not have feathers pointing toward the other foot. Not sure how they would step on feathers on the other foot unless there was an oddity.
first thing I would do is check your feed, make sure it doesn't have mold, maggots, expired.

What are they being fed, including anything other than feed?
does her poop look normal?
Has the flock been dewormed lately?
do you have a local vet that will do a fecal float test?
did you check head and vent area especially for lice or mite?

If you can post pictures or take a video of her upload it to like youtube and post the link here.

@Wyorp Rock
first thing I would do is check your feed, make sure it doesn't have mold, maggots, expired.

What are they being fed, including anything other than feed?
does her poop look normal?
Has the flock been dewormed lately?
do you have a local vet that will do a fecal float test?
did you check head and vent area especially for lice or mite?

If you can post pictures or take a video of her upload it to like youtube and post the link here.

@Wyorp Rock

I'll check the feed tomorrow for the exp date, but there def is no mold or maggots. I had a necropsy done on a chick that died recently and the flock has M.S. That bird did not have worms and the fecal sample I took from the hen house was negative for worms. They did have cocci which I treated with Corid and I just finished an outbreak dose round yesterday.

They have also been treated for lice and mites with permethrin. I've checked them a few times since then and didn't see anything but the body lice are fast so it can be hard to see them.
sounds like your on top of it, your flock has been closed with MS diagnosis correct?

How long did you treat with corid, I did the sever outbreak as recommended for 5 days then the preventative for 5 days, Lice is repeat treatment 10 days later to get any new eggs.
with MS I believe you can't get rid of it just treat with antibiotic if needs for a secondary infection.
sounds like your on top of it, your clock has been closed with MS diagnosis correct?

How long did you treat with corid, I did the sever outbreak as recommended for 5 days then the preventative for 5 days, Lice is repeat treatment 10 days later to get any new eggs.
with MS I believe you can't get rid of it just treat with antibiotic if needs for a secondary infection.
Yes flock is closed. 7 days with Corid and they are on day 1 or 2 of the preventitive. And yeah, they will always have m.s. :(

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