Cochin Thread, What are the pro's and con's of Cochins

That is so funny that you say you trip on them! I do the same thing! Mine actually holler loud to let me know I'm stepping on their feet! They just stay so close!
Mine are all great layers- LF and bantam. An egg every other day, sometimes every day. My banties like to go broody when it's still too cold in early spring -but they recover quickly. Molting seems to go by really fast too.
I am interested in the LF... Do you trim their feet feathers? Is it a good idea or even possible? Do they manage to keep their feet clean or is it a problem? Also, being so fully feathered, do they have any over-heating problems - I'm in California and it can get pretty warm.
All Pro for me. I have two cochins and the only thing that bugs me...the feathered feet get filfthy in the wet season here...mud and clay everywhere. Mine lay 4 - 5 eggs per week, ubber friendly and they are docile and quiet.
My cochins are VERY sweet and docile!!! They are the friendliest birds that I have. The hens are very broody. They go broody at least 4 times a year if not more. They are very motherly and protective. I love these birds. I have nothing negative to say about the cochins.

I do not trim their feathers. They get dirty and wet when it rains but for the most part they are very clean. I live in the south (South Louisiana) and temps are sometimes in the 100's and have never had any problems with over heating. They lay about 5 times a week. They are very easy to handle. I usually have to move them when they become broody and have no problem with moving. They are so calm and docile, they let me pet and touch them while they are setting on their eggs and do not mumble one single word. They just look and set. I have NEVER seen any molting and I know that's unusual. But their feathers are always beautiful.

I wish my entire flock off 100+ were cochins.
Wow - what a great recommendation. Since it really does not rain too much in my neck of California, it sounds like the muddy feet would not be much of a problem for me. I am keeping them on my wish list.
I really need help from all the experts who have Cochins. I have Giant Blue and Giant Black.

I can't tell who is Roo or Pullet with the Blacks. Their body shape seems different to me and they all seem to have a comb and wattle. So I don't know if I have all Roo blacks or if some are Pullets.
Please help me identify them! If it seems like I have duplicated, I probably have but that's because alot of them look exactly alike. I am also going to post this in the What Breed am I?

Thank you for any help you can give!










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