Cochin Thread!!!

Where do you all house your Cochin's? Do they have their own coop, free range or do you house them with other chickens?[/quote my bantams have their own coop however they like to be in the big standard hend coop. Actually, my Mille Fluer bantam has been laying her egg as soon as I let her free range. She runs to the big group hides her self in the corner and lays the egg. They both spend 3/4 the day in the standard hens coop while the other birds free range. I do make them sleep in their coop.
This just started happening about two months ago and I've had them for about a year and a half so it's a recent thing.
About the sunburns. You can put coconut oil on bare skin as a sunblock or to help a current sunvurn

Good tip! I will definitely do that! I doubt they sell sunblock for chickens.

Wouldn't that make fried chicken, lol, I'm imagining rubbing a little naked chicken down with oil, sorry, you made me laugh. Learning every day.
it is pretty funny! Whatever works out right! This hen has some serious bald spot issues. I sure hope she grows her hair back and I don't have a naked chicken running around the backyard.
Good tip! I will definitely do that! I doubt they sell sunblock for chickens.

it is pretty funny! Whatever works out right! This hen has some serious bald spot issues. I sure hope she grows her hair back and I don't have a naked chicken running around the backyard.
mmmm fried chicken. Shh...dont tell the girls
He is a handsome fellow!!I have a female splash here who is getting so huge! My beautiful splash roo Zeus. Hopefully will get him another black hen the next few weeks.
He is handsome! My largest pullet is splash. She is taller than my cockerel so far.
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