Cochin's vs Bantam Cochin's

Our gang:

We have a flock of mixed LF & bantam, and they get along fine. The bantams do get pushed around a little by the big girls, except for the Silkie cause everybody's scared of her- She's very grumpy! I have found that if they grow up together they are more likely to get along, and as long as they have plenty of room to move around they should be fine. Also I do multiple feeders and waterers so everybody has room.

Personally I think the bantam are my fave. They seem in my experience to be MUCH more broody, though.
Good Luck!

Thanks everyone! I just ordered 10 buff, 5 white, 5 black standard cochin females and 5 straight run mottle bantam cochins. I am super excited!
The only thing I've found that bothers me about the cochins..I have 2 how dirty they get in a run that's not completely covered. I live in Oregon and we get plenty of rain = mud. My cochins are always so dirty. I even clip they're feet/ butt feathers because they get clumped up with mud etc. I really don't like that.

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