Cock that isn't doing his job


Feb 23, 2021
Hi all,
We have a 2 year old Rhode Island Red cock. Last year, we watched him strip feathers off the hens during his roughhousing. We also noticed the eggs were fertilized when cracking them open. This year, however, something has changed. We have tried to incubate eggs, but the ones from this cock (we have 2) are not fertilized. The girls also retain their feathers. While I haven't had the opportunity to sit and watch to see if he is doing his job, I wonder what could be going on. Any suggestions as to why a cock wouldn't be fertilizing the hens? He is getting vitamin water, we have checked for bugs, dusted for mites, and he is a rather pampered bird as he is also used for show in the 4H project. Any suggestions?
That is strange, because once a rooster has proved himself fertile he's usually good for 3 or 4 years.

Fighting with other roosters, stress or health problems are likely causes of his lack of fertility. It's also possible that the hens won't allow him to mate with them if he is not dominant over them.

I think Mrs. K is right. Your best bet is to change out the rooster if you want to hatch chicks from his hens.
Thanks for the advice. This is a prize winning show cock so really wanted some chicks from him. We do have 1 egg that we got that looked fertile when candled a couple of weeks ago. I saw it move yesterday so I'm hoping there's a chick in there.
I will mention this as it worked for me, it's just a idea but my roo was less motivated and not doing what he was supposed to then I added a few pullets and he was back to mateing his adult hens. I don't know why but it worked

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