Cockerel Chasing Duck Why ?

Homie Ducks

5 Years
Jul 30, 2014
My 2 and half month Cockerel is chasing my Duck which is almost 3 months old , Cockerel tries to grab the Duck's head feathers And runs after her, Is he having fun or Does he want to Mate ? I don't have any hens but I planned to bring some when he will reach mature age. He disturb the duck a lot by chasing , What is the reason?
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It sounds like he is trying to mate. I don't have ducks but I can pretty safely say that this is not good for the duck. The best thing to do is keep them separate so that the cockerel doesn't cause damage to the duck.
It sounds like he is trying to mate. I don't have ducks but I can pretty safely say that this is not good for the duck. The best thing to do is keep them separate so that the cockerel doesn't cause damage to the duck. 

I don't get it , He's only 2 half month old why he wants to Mate ? Should I bring hens is it going to be good for him?
Some roosters, although not actually able to do the deed, will form the act. I had one rooster who started chasing the hens around two months. Is the roo the only chicken you have? do you have hens separated? or is he just a pet?

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