Cockerel Contest!!! Ends April 1st 2017

This is not a great picture, but here is Black Jack Randall. He's a Cochin bantam I got in an assorted bantam order from Ideal Poultry. He has a pretty face but I'm sure the other chickens think he is the devil. He has a triple dose of testosterone, and if you are familiar with the Outlander show/books you will know why he has that name. He is 5 months old now, but a little over 3 months in this picture.

Here's my cockerel, my mom just told mehe was about 8 weeks old in this picture and he doesn't have a proper name but we do call him "the mean rooster" because he did grow up to be quite a meany:

Is he a barred rock? We had a BR roo in our first flock and he was aggressive also...

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