You need to give more details.
How old is this bird?
What are the ages and genders of the rest of your flock?
Do you cuddle all your birds?
What were you doing when he attacked?

About 5 months, they were hatched in may; they are all the same age the rest are pullets; yes, except the Easter Eggers, they don't like me; I was trying to get Leopard the Easter Egger in the pen because she escaped.
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In addition to @aart 'a questions, I'd like to ask if you have children? If so, you may have to sacrifice your cockrell for their sake.
If this is the only problem you've had, and if he was upset because you were catching the ee pullet, maybe there is hope...but flying at you could be seriously dangerous.
If you won't cull take a net into the run with you and use It as needed.
In addition to @aart 'a questions, I'd like to ask if you have children? If so, you may have to sacrifice your cockrell for their sake.
If this is the only problem you've had, and if he was upset because you were catching the ee pullet, maybe there is hope...but flying at you could be seriously dangerous.
If you won't cull take a net into the run with you and use It as needed.
I like using brooms vs a net they get so much chicken respect as needed. But that is just me, we have some silkie cockerels showing some aggression, however, usually that improves greatly with a good trimming of feathers out of their sight lines.
In addition to @aart 'a questions, I'd like to ask if you have children? If so, you may have to sacrifice your cockrell for their sake.
If this is the only problem you've had, and if he was upset because you were catching the ee pullet, maybe there is hope...but flying at you could be seriously dangerous.
If you won't cull take a net into the run with you and use It as needed.

No, but... I am the youngest in my house so... I'm not considering getting rid of him, either.
I love him, but today he poofed up, pecked and flew at me! Usually I can just hold him like a cat, but he was just being a jerk today! Anyone know how to calm him down?

It is inevitable that all cockerels will at some point challenge you (and your family) to understand where he stands in the flock (because if you are in there a lot, they start to think of you as part of the flock). OR if they don't think of you as part of the flock, then they see you as a threat they have to get rid of.

That said, here's my old-wives-version of what has worked for me. Essentially when they charge me I charge them back and pin them, pick them up, and carry them around upside-down by their feet while I finish the chicken chores. It is humiliating to them (at least I like to think so). Very, very rarely in all my years has a cockerel attacked me again after that. If they do, I do it again. 3rd strike, you're out.
Chicken Jail for 2-3 days might help, I used to keep 4 leghorns with my flock before we moved em, they weren't to flighty unless a maturing cockerel was behaving badly, and they would give him a lesson all 4 would fly up and do a dive bomb on him to knock some sense into one misbehaving, otherwise they were content to just free range with the flock and weren't flighty lol, a maturing cockerel is like a hormone crazed teenager, plus starting to get his place in the flock figured out, so make sure he knows yes he's boss when out alone with the hens but when others are present he had better behave or he's going to chicken jail.

Chicken jail can be done inside the flock with a kennel or wire cage that he can't get out of he still sees them just can't get to them or after anything else all he gets is feed and water.

Carry a broom or a stick with you until he settles

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