Cockerel keeps bringing me food.. what do I do to correct this?


6 Years
Dec 29, 2017
Battle Ground, WA
Our 9 month old cockerel named Spotted Elk has begun to bring me food whenever I'm out with them. I'm not too happy about his behavior because he's been getting in my personal space and I don't approve of that due to the fact that he may become aggressive if he gets too comfortable around me.
Before this, he would respect my space and understand that I was top dog in the flock. He would treat me like I was the top rooster and wouldn't get near me. If I tried to grab him, he would run off and hide for a while but stay close to some of the hens/pullets.

What should I do to correct this behavior??

Any advice offered below is appreciated!
My first instinct would be to walk right "through" him as if he weren't there. When you walk among your flock, walk like a boss.

As women, our tendency is to walk "kindly", stepping around the birds, slowing down to let them pass, etc. not because they are bigger and stronger, but because they are small and weak. We defer to them because of our superior rank and power, but your rooster would see this sort of behavior as submissiveness. And of course, it's often merely an attempt not to step on the sillies as they swarm our feet looking for goodies. 😂 Anyway, insofar as it is possible without hurting your birds, walk like you're the boss. Hopefully your roo will get the message.
My first instinct would be to walk right "through" him as if he weren't there. When you walk among your flock, walk like a boss.

As women, our tendency is to walk "kindly", stepping around the birds, slowing down to let them pass, etc. not because they are bigger and stronger, but because they are small and weak. We defer to them because of our superior rank and power, but your rooster would see this sort of behavior as submissiveness. And of course, it's often merely an attempt not to step on the sillies as they swarm our feet looking for goodies. 😂 Anyway, insofar as it is possible without hurting your birds, walk like you're the boss. Hopefully your roo will get the message.
I actually do walk like a boss around them
I've done it before when a rooster came at me with spurs flying... or a crazed gander. But it's not really a kick more like a "catch and toss" with the toe of my boot. I don't think (I hope anyway) that anyone here actually punts a bird.
No, I was talking about kicking a friendly cockerel not a mean one
I actually do walk like a boss around them
Well, I'm not sure, then. I have one who occasionally challenges me. I usually have a food bucket to put casually between us. Once it was empty and I gently slipped it over his little self. Didn't hold it there above 5 seconds. He didn't approach me after that for a while, but He did eventually go after me again once. He just ran himself into the bucket. That's been 3-4 weeks past, maybe longer.

I don't turn my back on him. I would process him, but I want to put him in with the girls first. He's my only rose-comb rooster, and I want to eventually have a flock with all rose-combed (or similar) birds. It's cold up here on the mountain.

I don't like his attitude, but I've got him and a few hens with rose combs so I'll worry about attitudes later. There are no children here and so far I'm having no trouble handling him. I never cuddled any of them (too many birds to cuddle them much). He's just over-supplied with testosterone, I guess.

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