cockerel or pullet?

Well, I was just outside holding HER and those who said the neck hackle feathers would be rounded are absolutely correct!!
They are most definitely rounded but the color pattern makes them 'look' pointed. So...
Based on that fact and her slim legs and no wattles or big comb showing - I am pretty confient that 'it' is a SHE, Yipee!!!

It's so funny, the two boys jump up to see me and so does the other pullet but this lil beauty ignores me at all costs.
Wouldn't ya know it, the one I want to be all friendly wants to be aloof? LOL

I wish I understood more about why she looks completely different than her parents in coloring.
She has mamma's white but not the rusty wheat coloring. And I don't see any of pappa coloring but she has lots of extra down feathers from cochin pappa and maybe a little extra size from him too. She is lots bigger than the other pullet.

It will be fun to watch them all grow up. This was my first hatch ever and with a broody Australorp ~ go figure.
But I loved the process and think I am addicted.

Last Friday, my broody mamma silkies (two at a time) hatched out 4 biddies too. Gosh are they tiny and so cute.
I don't get to keep them though, they were sold the day I sat them under the mammas.
At least I get to keep them until their mamma's are done training them.

Thanks all and I will post this chick's first egg picture when I get it many months from now.
It will be fun to see what color she will lay. Her mamma lays olive green eggs with white splatters.
Only time will tell.

Looks like a pullet to me. You will have to post again when you know for sure. for sure.
"She" looks very like an Araucana hen I had.

Good luck
thanks. By the way, what breed of chicken is your avatar?
Those things are so small it's hard to see. Do you have the same pic posted here on BYC?
Hi Posey, I don't have one photo of that Araucana hen. I never realized that until you asked. She was a Lavender Araucana.
We didn't have her that long because she was a bit wild and our other hens are really calm but she got them all worked up.
But she was a great layer of beautiful blue eggs.

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