Cockerel? Sapphire Gem


Free Ranging
Aug 19, 2020
Kitsap, WA

Born around 3/7. This one has always been the biggest, with faster developing comb and wattles, also the reddest. Tail feathers are beginning to curve downward. Did not appear to have the light spot, if it did, it was really small. Next question, do these crow loudly? I may have to re-home him, although having chicks from him might be interesting. I wonder what they would turn out like? That is if the 2 y.o. hens allow it. Also have 4 other SGs, same age (second pic for comparison). Can't have roos, neighbors too close, unless he doesn't crow. Hubby's observation is that some of the hens are louder than roosters! :duc
Well, shortly after this post, he started crowing, although kind of garbled at first, but did not take long to have a big boy, bona fide crow. Yours at 6 months not crowing? Picture, please. Sadly, he died suddenly, but we were able to have a broody hatch out 4 of his kids.

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