cockerel walking funny


Aug 31, 2020
West Coast
My 5 month old cockerel is super me. i noticed today that he was limping on one foot. when he’s on the roost i can pet him, roll him on his back, etc. i inspected his feet and don’t see anything obvious...but he definitely favors one foot. any ideas?
My 5 month old cockerel is super me. i noticed today that he was limping on one foot. when he’s on the roost i can pet him, roll him on his back, etc. i inspected his feet and don’t see anything obvious...but he definitely favors one foot. any ideas?
when he runs across the “run” he has an obvious limp to his running.
when he runs across the “run” he has an obvious limp to his running.
he’s also the only pet out of a flock of i do care to keep him...for the most part. in other words, not planning to harvest him. i was actually planning to keep him indefinitely and get rid of the hens in three years.
I would feel up and down his leg and compare it to the good leg just to make sure there isnt an injury. But if there isnt anything, he probably just strained it and itll heal.
My 5 month old cockerel is super me. i noticed today that he was limping on one foot. when he’s on the roost i can pet him, roll him on his back, etc. i inspected his feet and don’t see anything obvious...but he definitely favors one foot. any ideas?
I know how you sweet boy feels, lol.
My sister had a GLW hen who did that, it took her leg a LONG time to heal, and she still walk kind of funny.
My 5 month old cockerel is super me. i noticed today that he was limping on one foot. when he’s on the roost i can pet him, roll him on his back, etc. i inspected his feet and don’t see anything obvious...but he definitely favors one foot. any ideas?
when he runs across the “run” he has an obvious limp to his running.
he’s also the only pet out of a flock of i do care to keep him...for the most part. in other words, not planning to harvest him. i was actually planning to keep him indefinitely and get rid of the hens in three years.
Not much to go on here.
Can you please get a video of the cockerel's walking and actions?
What do you feed, including treats?

At 5 months of age, limping could be a symptom of Marek's. Could be he injured his leg somehow.
Do you have other cockerels?
I love roosters, they are the best. I would have a whole flock of just roosters if I could. Tried it, didn't end well. At any rate when my rooster had a limp I took him to the vet and got an Xray. It found a hairline fracture. He was treated and brought back to health in 8 weeks. Good to know what you're dealing with, if you plan to keep him.

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