Good morning, and thanks for the coffee.
I wondered when peeps were going to get up.. Other than occupying myself watching a runt play doggie this morning, not much going on here!
Good morning everyone :frow Slept in today, thanks for the coffee ☕☕

I lost 3 birds to the neighbors dog, One was in the yard hunkered down .. I found he brought her in the coop first I set her on a table she wobbled almost off it. Picked her up again, set her on the floor .. She knows me so did not fright or scare from me.
I will kill the damn owner if I could.
I'm so sorry to read this :hugs :hugs
I lost Marshmallow to a possum tonight.. I was too late getting out there to lock up.. Tomorrow it's go to town for a trap or two!
So sorry :hugs :hugs
Good morning everyone :frow Slept in today, thanks for the coffee ☕☕

I'm so sorry to read this :hugs :hugs

So sorry :hugs :hugs
Kicking myself in the pantaloons you might say! Today I get some traps. Danged possums are just too plentiful around here in spite of my 'culling' the possum herd. I wondered what was eating all the mouse and rat bait, and coming back for more!

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