Y'all are making me so excited! I get my chicks a week from today, if USPS does its job right. I plan to visit the PO later this week to introduce myself and make sure they have my phone number.
Always a good plan to touch base with PO so they expect the chicks and let you know ASAP! When I went to pick up this shipment the PO staff was almost as excited I was to get them. They asked me to open the box so they could see them!
Always a good plan to touch base with PO so they expect the chicks and let you know ASAP! When I went to pick up this shipment the PO staff was almost as excited I was to get them. They asked me to open the box so they could see them!
Yeah, I'm planning to take them some eggs... or donuts... or something as a "pre-thank you." Or is that known as a bribe? :gig
Same here. Fresh pot ready! Help yourselves. I drank one cup already and don't even remember doing it?
Good morning all darn up at 7 all birds out..
Sunny this morning only in the high 60'
Good temps to work out there! It will be too hot by the weekend. I’m going to get DH to help me set the rest of the soaker hoses. I had way too much hand watering last year. Which means everything was usually thirsty.

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