Oh sorry to hear that Years upon years ago dog killed a skunk found her kits
rescued the kits named them stinker and squirt they lived in box in the by the pot bellied stove.. Stinker got in the glass of milk and drowned ... Kept squirt in that box for close to year he would play with the dogs come in for breakfast .. after about year he left did not come back came back with girlfriend and their kits
but did not come in
Food....and human acclimation. ;)
I don't care much for squirrels, so destructive.
Yeah. SO has rehabbed squirrels before and I get very attached so He wanted me very very aware that anything could happen including releasing them and them immediately getting eaten by a hawk right in front of me. LOL.

One of the 4 was never seen again after release, but the other three still like our bribes.

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