Morning Club paw prints left on our heart it surrounds and protects us .. Second cup.. Lip is healing fast . Four hatched split hatch next group in like 4 days
Got out after the rain stopped this morning to tend the chickens. Checked the gardens and everything coming along well. Last night when I went to bed, I could smell dog pee real strong( I have a little male dog that marks everything. I usually keep the gate to the back of the house closed.) He got to the bedroom sometime and peed over the dustruffle, the quilt in the quilt stand, the frilly cover to my cabinet- just everywhere he could reach to raise a leg on. *sigh* so I am washing the items and will have to shampoo the carpet. I also want to get to remove some of the asian jasmine in the yard while the ground is wet. *big sigh*
Todd did that when we first got him, he was trying to cover everywhere Prancer had been, w which would be really hard since she had lived with for so long. He liked to pee on the walls 😠. Thank goodness I got him to stop.

I am sorry for you ..
Thank you :hugs :hugs
Todd did that when we first got him, he was trying to cover everywhere Prancer had been, w which would be really hard since she had lived with for so long. He liked to pee on the walls 😠. Thank goodness I got him to stop.

Thank you :hugs :hugs
How did you get him to stop? I have tried everything and gave up and put up gates. He does not mark the living room anymore- I guess it is ripe enough.😩
Favorite dog just diagnosed with osteosarcoma that has metastasized. Such an insidious disease. Making him comfortable with whatever time he has left before having to make that hard call to the vet.
What breed of dog? We've had 3 golden retrievers. First died of osteosarcoma and the next two of hemangiosarcoma. So prevalent in that breed. Hopefully he has much more quality of life.
How did you get him to stop? I have tried everything and gave up and put up gates. He does not mark the living room anymore- I guess it is ripe enough.😩
He ended up spending a lot more time outside where he should have been, but I don't think I did anything special. I cleaned all his messes with bleach water and redirected him like and kid 🤷. I'll ask Bob if he did anything special.

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