:yesss: It’s about time isn’t it? Sheesh I hope the nights warm up a bit too!
Hello again, all! Yes, we're having sunny days and chilly nights here on the Redwood Coast, finally not too soggy to get out and garden a bit (mostly battling spring weeds, but the chooks love weed piles.) I haven't had any time to hang out on BYC for over a month, since our daughter and grandkids (7 month old and 3 year old) moved in with us March 14...so much for our settled, adult-retiree lifestyle, blown to smithereens! And of course my old computer decided to expire so double-whammy. But it's so good to be back, in whatever non-childcare time I can manage. Missed y'all, here and all over the forums!

And yes, thank heavens for the necessary blessings of coffee!

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